Having researched into different ways of visualising data, I wanted to use a similar approach to display the results I obtained from my tattoo survey.
I first began to draw a plan of how I would like to display my results visually as an Infographic.
I chose to focus on Gender, Age, Type of Tattoo and if the Tattoo had a Meaning, as the main data for my Infographic.
I decided to colour code the data and the amount of lines would represent the number of each category. Each line was the same length (12cm) to represent 1 person in the category.

Below are photographs of my own Infographics showing the popularity of tattoos and the outcome of my data.
Having gathered data on the popularity of tattoos, conducted a survey to obtain relevant data on this topic, researched into how data can be visualised, created my own infographic to portray this data, I next researched into wireframes.
Understanding Wireframes:
I began by looking at a basic Flow Chart. A Flow Chart/ Site Map is a simple structure that is used in many websites.
It shows a simple structure to follow when putting together a website.
The start is the homepage.

The input is the links to the pages.

The process is the choice the user has.
A wireframe is a visual representation, a skeletal framework of content layout in a website design. It helps with organising and simplifying all the content and the various elements within a website.
Check out this website for further information: