Designing My Homepage:
Designing Page 1- Data Gathering:
Screenshots of my codes:

Adobe Dreamweaver is a web development application originally created by Macromedia, and now developed by Adobe Systems.
To begin with, on Dreamweaver I created a new HTML page.

Dreamweaver allows 3 different views- split (code & layout), code (code only) and Design (layout only).
I set up a file with folders, making sure that file names didn't contain spaces.
Press on the image for further information.
Next I created a layout with 1 column fixed, left side bar with a header and footer.

Then I imported a black and red logo for the header and added icons for navigation on the left side bar.
Designing My Webpages:
This was followed by adding text, making sure when I added the text, I was in the split view, so I could see the codes and design.
Then I added relevant images to my webpage and floated them to the left and right, so the text would wrap around it.

I also inserted links on the images that would link to other websites.
Press on the small pictures to link to the appropriate websites.
To create my next page I saved my original page again so it would duplicate so I would have 2 pages with the same layout.
Next I inserted a hyperlink on the homepage to link to page 1( Data Gathering) and a hyperlink on Data Gathering which would link back to the Homepage.
Then I added relevant images to my webpage and floated them to the left and right, so the text would wrap around it.

I also inserted links on the images that would link to other websites.
I also inserted my Infographic on Tattoo Data and tabular results, which I linked to an Infographic Website.
Here are screenshots of my codes for these webpages, showing the properties- paragraphs, the floated images and the style that helped me design my webpages.